Course Registration
Online / Credit Retrieval Courses
Classes Outside of Northshore Networks
Students at Northshore Networks are eligible to cross-enroll to the following other programs.
- Classes at your neighborhood school: must live in the boundaries of that school. Please see your consultant for instructions. Maximum of two classes.
- Running Start Classes: These classes are open to Juniors and Seniors only. Please see the Running Start tab for more information.
- Satellite and WaNic Classes: Classes designed to help students pursue technical skills while still in high school. Registration for these programs is in the Spring for the following year. Information for these programs is here.
Classes Accepted for High School Credit
- Northshore School District's Summer Academy - Information regarding courses and registration is available online in May.
- Northshore School District Secondary Credit Retrieval Program - This program is offered after school for those students who previously failed a graduation requirement. There is typically a session in fall (Oct.-Nov.) and another one in spring (March-April). The courses last approximately 6 weeks and students can retrieve .5 credit.
- OSPI Online Course Options- Washington State approved online options
The Career and College Readiness program offers a wide variety of courses and programs for all students. Each Career and College Readiness course meets occupational education credit requirements.
Schedule Changes
Choices made by students during registration are considered to be final. Offered courses and school staffing are based on the decisions students make during the registration process. However, schedule changes may be made on a limited basis for the following reasons:
- A graduation requirement must be added
- A student does not have the skills to continue in a year-long class
- Administrative withdrawal is requested
- Incomplete schedule
- Duplicate classes/obvious errors
- IEP/ELL placement issues
Any schedule change that does not meet these criteria is subject to administrative approval.