Post Secondary Readiness

Are you applying to colleges through commonapp? Please check out these resources for some how-to information and other great resources.

NLO Common App Workshop Tip Sheet

Counselor Letter of Recommendation Form

Teacher Letter of Recommendation Form

Upcoming Financial Aid nights at NSD high schools


When: November 7th 7:00-8:30 pm for Bothell High School

Where: Northshore Performance Arts Center, 18125 92nd Ave NE, Bothell, WA 98011, USA

What: BHS will host David Aramaki, a financial planner for Ameriprise.  He will educate about the different types of federal financial aid along with tips for filling out the FAFSA. This information is for all parents and families. We will also have a representative from the Scholarship Foundation of Northshore speak about our local scholarships!

Finaincial Aid Opportunities Slideshow