All About NFP

What You Need to Know about Northshore Family Partnership

We offer a variety of enrichment classes to encourage student engagement and foster learning in a fun, supportive environment. You can see our full list of available classes for the 21/22 school year HERE.

  • NFP is a very family-friendly school, where parents and staff work together to engage and educate students.
  • NFP will serve grades K-8 for the 2022-23 school year.
  • With the oversight of a certificated teacher, the parent is the primary educator.  Parents will provide the majority of instructional hours outside of NFP class time.
  • Parents will provide standards based instruction in all subjects that are required for promotion to the next grade with support and mentoring by certificated NFP teachers.
  • NFP has onsite classes that extend and enrich subjects taught at home.
  • Students may enroll in as few as 1 class or as many as 12 hours (subject to change) of class time weekly. 
  • Students may opt to take 0 classes and just meet with an advisor weekly to discuss home learning.
  • Classes are project-based, collaborative, and student-centered.
  • At the beginning of the school year you will meet with an advisor to put together your SLP (Student Learning Plan) with learning goals for the year.
  • Each month you will report on your child’s progress.
  • Weekly contact between teacher and student is required. This can be done in many ways -  in class, or, if a student is unable to attend class that week: by phone, Facetime, Zoom, email, or video, etc., telling about the learning that took place that week. This must be a 2-way communication between student and advisor. If your child comes to a class that satisfies weekly contact. 
  • Learning at home is very different from learning in a whole-class environment. A teacher advisor will help you plan your at home learning space and pace your at home learning.
  • The parent works with their child at their own level and pace be it below, at, or above grade level.
  • All Northshore curriculum is available for at home instruction.
  • There are many other learning resources published for homeschool instruction.  Several of our parents have put together videos of the curriculum they use to help guide you, if you’re considering something else. 
  • Special Education is available through NFP.
  • NFP offers the same opportunities for assessments as the rest of NSD.

Take a Video Tour of our Bear Creek Campus 

NFP Virtual Tour